Balladtown is thrilled to bring these four very talented and fun young ladies of RENEGADE to be our special guest quartet on both shows. Please read more and check out links to their Facebook page and website in the pictures.
From RENEGADE "Hi there! We are the ladies of Renegade, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to be sharing our music with all of you here in Forest Grove this year! Ballad Town is a unique and incredibly special place for all Northwest Barbershoppers, and we feel so lucky to share the stage with all the competitors.
We like to think of barbershop harmony as a lifestyle, not just a hobby, and each one of us has incorporated a cappella music into her life in a personal way. Rachel is a high school choir teacher by trade, and also directs Harmony Explosion youth camp, and a Sweet Adelines Chorus called Jet Cities in Federal Way, Washington. Alena grew up as the daughter of Evergreen District Quartet Champ and chorus director Mike Menefee. She coaches his chorus and quartets every chance she gets. Holly is a very active member of the Region 13 champion chorus A Cappella Joy in Kirkland, and has also directed barbershop youth ensembles in the past. Bethany has been involved in numerous groups during her barbershop career, including Jet Cities Chorus and the award winning mixed quartet, Profundo. She is also a tag-singing fanatic, so come sing one with us after the show!
Over the last two years together, we have had a fantastic journey. We’ve performed on incredible shows from Alaska to California, won Harmony Sweepstakes Northwest, and competed at Sweet Adelines International in St. Louis where we took 8th place in the world! We’re still glowing from that experience! We’d like to thank each and every member of this incredible a cappella community. You are why we do this. The energetic audiences, the dedicated local choruses, the amazing staff at Harmony College Northwest, all of our coaches, fans, family, and friends… You make barbershop life great! We hope you enjoy this awesome event, and have barbershop harmony in your heart for a long time to come." - RENEGADE